The process of “virtual reparation.”
David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Comparison of real installation (Installed at Museum of Modern Art - MUMOK, Vienna, 2010) and VR simulation. Model by Sang Hun Yu (© University of Dundee/Estate of David Hall).
Reproductions of “artworks” which come with a glossary create a new perspective, add another meaning, or simply mix up the first meaning when facing what was initially appropriated by the artist.
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Rio de Janeiro, 2011.
Dense point cloud of the Redonda and Filhote islands. The photo sequence, indicated by the blue rectangles, shows the boat trajectory around the islands.
Meeting/workshop with residents and allies for the creation of the Museum of Removals (© Luiz Claudio Silva / Museum of Removals collection).
Cacau (Nice N. Avanza, oil on canvas, 1988) - access in augmented reality
Vila Autódromo community association before being demolished (© Luiz Claudio Silva / Museum of Removals collection).