
Museum without Walls

Museum without Walls

Museum without Walls

Phi Books (© Antonopoulou & Dare).

O gAViAO.PENAXO (Elpídio Malaquias, synthetic enamel on chipboard, 1992) - access in augmented reality

Photogrammetry mapping of Roman amphorae in the Mediterranean Culture room. Photos were obtained using a drone because the floor of the room was covered by pieces of collection items, making it impossible to reach these items.

Digital animation of the skeleton of the bird Rhea americana, based on kinematic study.

You are the crossroad of your memories - Born from clay and modelled in 3D, this installation is composed by a virtual room, a performance program and a digital publication. Its shape, inspired by the moringa, an object used by aboriginal peoples for storing and cooling water, is a reminder and an invitation: a reminder that without its union with natural elements, our existence would not be possible; and an invitation to play with the porosity of memory, identity and body. Concept and realization: Pedra Silva, Garu e Rodrigo Lopes.

Perceptions of the real in museums run the risk of creating a reality of fragmented discourses that, when removed from their original context, prevent us from perceiving an another reality, entirely diverse from our own, building a distorted image of the "other".

Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Rio de Janeiro, 2011.

Since the community was being used as a construction site for the Olympic Park - one of the strategies used to pressure residents and compel families to accept the proposal of the City of Rio de Janeiro -, the sculpture “Suporte dos Males” and part of the sculpture “Espaço Ocupa e Casa da Dona Conceição” were destroyed by tractors.

© The Kremer Museum

The process of “virtual reparation.”

Dja guata porã is a saying in the Guarani language that means “walk well” and “walk together.” It is also the title of an exhibition held at the Rio Art Museum between May 2017 and March 2018.

Dedicated to the presence of indigenous people in the Rio de Janeiro state, the exhibition further developed the Museum’s agenda of shedding light on local history and culture from a multiple and contemporary perspective. However, more than that, it attempted to distend and expand the position from which the Museum builds its vision.

The exhibition was conceived based on a series of visits and open meetings, which sought to establish public dialogues and engage representatives from local indigenous villages (among which Guarani, Pataxó and Puri, in addition to the multiethnic community of Aldeia Maracanã) in the construction of their own narratives.

Aligned with the mission of new museology, this collective curatorial process demonstrates how efforts to unsettle the museum must go beyond challenging stereotypical constructions of the other and their cultures. It is also necessary to open institutional devices to conflict and alterity, thereby transforming the very structures of museological work.

Dja Guata Porã is here shown in the perspective of other projects coordinated by curator Clarissa Diniz that play with the permeability of institutional collections and the kinds of histories and subjects they seek to produce.

Dja Guata Porã
