"Oracles" plate - Introdução ao Terceiro Mundo, 2011.
Donation of pieces from the Museum of Removals' collection to the National History Museum (© Museum of Removals collection).
Assembling displays for the Introduction to the Third World installation at CCBB-RJ, 2011.
David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Video documentation of VR experience presented at Besides the Screen Conference, Kings College, London, 2018 (© Adam Lockhart).
David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Comparison of real installation (Installed at Museum of Modern Art - MUMOK, Vienna, 2010) and VR simulation. Model by Sang Hun Yu (© University of Dundee/Estate of David Hall).
What happens then in the future if an artist, collector or gallery wishes to re-exhibit an artwork where the original equipment has not been collected or the equipment required is entirely obsolete and unavailable?
Meeting/workshop with residents and allies for the creation of the Museum of Removals (© Luiz Claudio Silva / Museum of Removals collection).