untitled (Levino Fanzeres, oil on agglomerate, undated) - access in augmented reality
Dja Guata Porã exhibition, Museu de Arte do Rio, 2017-8.
Snapshot of the reconstruction of the National Museum (© Patrimônio Virtual / Prodec Engenharia).
Some other Espírito Santo Art Museum.
© The Kremer Museum
Torre (Heide Liebermann, 1981) - access in augmented reality
DiMoDA 1.0 - opening at Transfer gallery, 2015.
Fragmentos Rítmicos (Dionísio del Santo, oil on canvas, 1995) - access in augmented reality
David Hall, A Situation Envisaged: The Rite II (Cultural Eclipse), 1988-90. VR experience presented at the NEoN Festival, Dundee, 2017. Development by Rhoda Ellis, curating by Adam Lockhart (© Adam Lockhart).
Dense point cloud of the Redonda and Filhote islands. The photo sequence, indicated by the blue rectangles, shows the boat trajectory around the islands.